Por su parte, el magnetismo de rocas es \u00fatil para la determinaci\u00f3n de mineralog\u00eda,
\nconcentraci\u00f3n y tama\u00f1o de grano magn\u00e9tico. Estas tres caracter\u00edsticas combinadas con el
\nan\u00e1lisis de par\u00e1metros no magn\u00e9ticos (geoqu\u00edmicos, palinol\u00f3gicos, etc.) permiten identificar
\ncambios paleoambientales en una determinada zona. Mediante el an\u00e1lisis de estos cambios es
\nposible realizar modelos de evoluci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tico-ambiental, con base en el estudio de
\npropiedades magn\u00e9ticas y caracter\u00edsticas de par\u00e1metros no magn\u00e9ticos de diferentes \u00e1reas de
\nestudio (sedimentos lacustres, perfiles sedimentarios expuestos, etc.)<\/p>\n
Por su parte, el magnetismo de rocas es \u00fatil para la determinaci\u00f3n de mineralog\u00eda,
\nconcentraci\u00f3n y tama\u00f1o de grano magn\u00e9tico. Estas tres caracter\u00edsticas combinadas con el
\nan\u00e1lisis de par\u00e1metros no magn\u00e9ticos (geoqu\u00edmicos, palinol\u00f3gicos, etc.) permiten identificar
\ncambios paleoambientales en una determinada zona. Mediante el an\u00e1lisis de estos cambios es
\nposible realizar modelos de evoluci\u00f3n clim\u00e1tico-ambiental, con base en el estudio de
\npropiedades magn\u00e9ticas y caracter\u00edsticas de par\u00e1metros no magn\u00e9ticos de diferentes \u00e1reas de
\nestudio (sedimentos lacustres, perfiles sedimentarios expuestos, etc.)<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n
[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-file-text-o” add_icon=”true” title=”Publicaciones” tab_id=”1551203267532-39dfca21-cbed”][vc_column_text]49. R. Achaga, C. Gogorza, M.A. Irurzun, A. Gogichaishvili, S. Mestel\u00e1n, A.C. Ruiz<\/p>\n
Fern\u00e1ndez,J.A. S\u00e1nchez Cabeza, L. S\u00e1nchez Bettucci, A. Sinito, J. Morales, D. Mart\u00ednez.
\nMonitoring the environmental evolution and its relationship with anthropogenic activities using
\nmagnetic and geochemical proxies on Lake Melincu\u00e9 sediments. Journal of South American
\nEarth Sciences. 103827, ISSN 0895-9811, 2022. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.jsames.2022.103827.
\n48. P. Palermo, C. Gogorza, M. J. Orgeira, M. De Bernardi, M. A. Irurzun, A. M. Sinito, R. Sanci,
\nA. Coronato. A full-vector paleomagnetic secular variation record from 55,000 to 33,000 cal.
\nyears bp from R\u00edo Vald\u00e9z glaciolacustrine outcrop (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina). Physics of the
\nEarth and Planetary Interiors. 318,106768. 2021. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.pepi.2021.106768
\n47. Gogorza, C.S.G., Irurzun, M.A., Heider, G., Chiesa, J., Greco, C., 2021. Dating of Holocene
\nfluvial deposits in the southern Sierras Pampeanas (Argentina) by matching paleomagnetic
\nsecular variation to a geomagnetic field model. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 106,
\n102996. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.jsames.2020.102996.
\n46.R. Sanci, M.J. Orgeira, A. Coronato, R. T\u00f3falo, H. Panarello, D. Quiroga, R. L\u00f3pez, P.
\nPalermo, C. Gogorza.Late Pleistocene glaciolacustrine record assignable to MIS3 at Lago
\nFagnano, central Tierra del Fuego, Southern Argentina. Quaternary Research 1\u2013 15, 2020.
\n45. M. Cervantes-Solano, A. Goguitchaichvili, L. S\u00e1nchez Bettucci, J. Morales-Contreras, C.
\nGogorza, P. N\u00fa\u00f1ez, R. Cejudo. An Integrated Paleomagnetic and Multispecimen Paleointensity<\/p>\n
Study from the Late Jurassic Zapic\u00e1n Dike Swarm (Uruguay). Journal of South American Earth
\nSciences. 104, 102815, 2020. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1016\/j.jsames.2020.102815.
\n44. D. Gangi, M. S. Plastani, C. Laprida, A. Lami, N. Dubois, F. Bordet, C. Gogorza, D. Frau, P.
\nde Tezanos Pinto. Recent cyanobacteria abundance in a large sub-tropical reservoir inferred from
\nanalysis of sediment core.Journal of Paleolimnology. 8. 2020. https:\/\/doi.org\/10.1007\/s10933-
\n43. M. A. Irurzun, P. Palermo, C. S. G. Gogorza, A. M. Sinito, M. Aldana, V. Costanzo-\u00c1lvarez, C.
\nOhlendorf, B. Zolitschka. Testing lake-level reconstructions based on rock magnetic proxies for
\nthe sediment record of Laguna Ch\u00e1ltel (Patagonia, Argentina). Quaternary Research.
\ndoi:10.1017\/qua.2020.15. 2020.
\n42. A. Goguitchaichvili, C. Greco, R. Garcia Ruiz, L. Pereyra Domingorena, R. Cejudo, J.
\nMorales, C. Gogorza, C. Scattolin, M. Tarrag\u00f3. First archaeointensity reference paleosecular
\nvariation curve for South America and its implications for geomagnetism and archaeology.
\nQuaternary Research. doi:10.1017\/qua.2018.119. 2019. .
\n41. P. Palermo, M. A. Irurzun, C. S.G. Gogorza, A. M. Sinito, C. Ohlendorf, B. Zolitschka. \u201cRock
\nmagnetic and paleomagnetic studies on Late-Holocene sediments from Laguna Ch\u00e1ltel
\n(Patagonia, Argentina)\u201d. Journal of South American Earth Sciences. 90. 204-215. 2019.
\n40. C. Gogorza, J. F. Merlo, J. Morales. A. Goguitchaichvili, C. Greco. Aportes a la Cronolog\u00eda de
\nla Casa de Juan Fugl (Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina) a Partir de studios Arqueomagn\u00e9ticos.
\nContribution to the Chronology of the Juan Fugl House (Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina) based
\non Archaeomagnetic Studies. Arqueolog\u00eda Iberoamericana. 38, 43-49. ISSN 1989-4104. 2018.
\n39. C. Gogorza, C. A. Page, A. Goguitchaichvili, C. Greco, J. Morales, A. Rapalini. \u201cAportes a la
\nCronolog\u00eda Absoluta de la Estancia Jesu\u00edtica de Alta Gracia (C\u00f3rdoba, Argentina): Estudio
\nArqueomagn\u00e9tico de la Baldosa de la Parroquia Nuestra Se\u00f1ora de la Merced\u201d. Arqueolog\u00eda
\nIberoamericana. 35, Pages 29-36. ISSN 1989-4104. 2018.
\n38. C. S. G. Gogorza, M. A. Irurzun, M. J. Orgeira, P. Palermo, M. Llera. \u201cA continuous Late
\nHolocene paleosecular variation record from Carmen Lake (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)\u201d.
\nPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. 280, Pages: 40-52. 2018.
\n37. M. A. Irurzun, M. A. E. Chaparro, A. M. Sinito, C. S. G. Gogorza, H. Nu\u00f1ez, N. R. Nowaczyk,
\nH. N. B\u00f6hnel. \u201cRelative palaeointensity and reservoir effect on Lake Esmeralda, Antarctica\u201d.
\nAntarctic Science. 29(4). 356-368. 2017.
\n36. A. M.J. Coronato, J. F. Ponce, D. R.A. Quiroga, C. Gogorza. Caracterizaci\u00f3n Geol\u00f3gica y
\nGeomorfol\u00f3gica de la Cuenca de la Laguna Carmen (Estepa Fueguina, Argentina) y su Registro
\nSedimentario Durante el Holoceno Tard\u00edo. Revista de la Asociaci\u00f3n Geol\u00f3gica Argentina 74 (2),
\nPages: 263-273. 2017.
\n35. Achaga, R.V., Irurzun, M., Gogorza, C.S.G., Goguitchaichvili, A., Morales, J., Loponte, D.,
\nSinito, A. \u201cA reconnaissance paleomagnetic and paleoclimatic investigation from Laguna
\nMelincu\u00e9 (Pampas Plains, Argentina)\u201d, Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. 61, 318-335. DOI:
\n10.1007\/s11200-016-1247-0. 2017.
\n34. K. L. Lecomte; P. Vignoni; F. C\u00f3rdoba; M. A.E. Chaparro; M. A.E. Chaparro; K. Kopalova; J.
\nD. Gargiulo; J. Lirio; M. A. Irurzun; H. N. B\u00f6hnel. \u201cHydrological systems from the Antarctic
\nPeninsula under climate change: James Ross archipelago as study case\u201d. Environmental Earth
\nSciences. 75: 623. ISSN:1866-6280 (Print)1866-6299 (Online) 2016. doi: 10.1007\/s12665-016-
33. D. C. Mari\u00e9; M. A. E. Chaparro; M. A. Irurzun; J. M. Lavornia; C. Marinelli; R. Cepeda; H. N.
\nB\u00f6hnel; A. G. Casta\u00f1eda Miranda; A. M. Sinito. \u201cMagnetic mapping of air pollution in Tandil city
\nusing the lichen Parmotrema Pilosum as bioindicator\u201d. Atmospheric Pollution Research. 7(3),
\n513\u2013520. ISSN 1309-1042. 2016. doi:10.1016\/j.apr.2015.12.005
\n32. A. Goguitchaichvili, J. Morales, D. Schavelzon, C. V\u00e1squez, C. S. G. Gogorza, A. Rapalini.
\n\u201cVariation of the Earth\u2019s Magnetic Field Strength in South America During the Last Two Millennia:
\nNew results from Historical Buildings of Buenos Aires and Re-evaluation of Regional Data\u201d.
\nPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. V 245, 15-25. 2015.
\n31. Lis\u00e9-Pronovost, A.; St-Onge, G.; Gogorza, C.; Haberzettl, T.; Jouve, G.; Francus, P.;
\nOhlendorf, C.; Gebhardt, A. C.; Zolitschka, B. Rock-magnetic proxies of wind intensity and dust
\nsince 51,200 cal BP from lacustrine sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southeastern Patagonia.
\ndoi: 10.1016\/j.epsl.2014.11.007, Earth and Planetary Science Letters. V 411, 72\u201386. 2014.
\n30. M.A. Irurzun, M.J. Orgeira, C.S.G. Gogorza, A.M. Sinito, R. Compagnucci, B. Zolitschka.
\n\u201cMagnetic parameters and their palaeoclimatic implications-the sediment record of the last 15 500
\ncal. BP from Laguna Potrok Aike (Argentina)\u201d. Geophysical Journal International. 198 (2) 710-
\n726. doi: 10.1093\/gji\/ggu155. 2014.
\n29. A. Lis\u00e9-Pronovost, St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C.S.G., Jouve, G., Francus, P., Zolitschka, B. and
\nthe PASADO science team. \u201cRock-magnetic signature of precipitation and extreme runoff events
\nin southeastern Patagonia since 51200 cal BP from the sediment of Lake Laguna Potrok Aike\u201d.
\nQuaternary Science Reviews. V98, 110-125. 2015. doi: 10.1016\/j.quascirev.2014.05.029.
\n28. F. P. Bamonte, M. V. Mancini, G. D. Sottile, M. A. Marcos, C. Gogorza. \u201cVegetation dynamics
\nfrom Lago San Mart\u00edn area (Southwest Patagonia, Argentina) during the last 6500 cal BP\u201d.
\nVegetation History and Archaeobotany. V 24, 267-277. 2014.
\n27. C. Laprida, M. S. Plastani, A. Irurz\u00fan, C. Gogorza, A. M. Navas, B. Valero-Garc\u00e9s, A. M.
\nSinito. \u201cMid-late Holocene lake levels and trophic states of a shallow lake from the southern
\nPampa plain, Argentina\u201d. Journal of Limnology. doi:10.4081\/jlimnol.2014.830. 2014.
\n26. M.A. Irurzun, C. S. G. Gogorza, A.M. Sinito, M. A. E. Chaparro, A. Prieto, C. Laprida, J.M.
\nLirio , A. M. Navas, H. Nu\u00f1ez. \u201cA High-Resolution Palaeoclimate Record for the Last 4800 cal.
\nyears BP on Lake La Brava SE Pampas Plains, Argentina\u201d. Geof\u00edsica Internacional. V 53 (4),
\n365-383. ISSN 0016-7169. 2014.
\n25. Lis\u00e9-Pronovost, A., St-Onge, G., Gogorza, C., Haberzettl, T., Preda, M., Francus, P.,
\nZolitschka, B. and the PASADO science team. \u201cHigh-resolution paleomagnetic secular variation
\nand relative paleointensity since the Late Pleistocene in Southern South America\u201d. Quaternary
\nScience Reviews. V71, Pages 91-108. 2013. http:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1016\/j.quascirev.2012.05.012.
\n24. C. Recasens, D. Ariztegui, C. Gebhardt, C. Gogorza,T. Haberzettl, A. Hahn, P. Kliem, A. Lis\u00e9-
\nPronovost, A. L\u00fccke, N. I. Maidana, C. Mayr, C. Ohlendorf, F. Sch\u00e4bitz, G. St-Onge, M. Wille, B.
\nZolitschka and the PASADO Science Team (alphabetical order). \u201cNew insights into
\npaleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, Southern Patagonia, since the Late
\nPleistocene: the PASADO multiproxy record\u201d. The Holocene. doi:10.1177\/0959683611429833.
\nV22 (11), 1323-1335. 2012.
\n23. C. S. G. Gogorza, M. A. Irurzun, A. M. Sinito, A. Lis\u00e9-Pronovost, G. St-Onge, T. Haberzettl, C.
\nOhlendorf, S. Kastner, B. Zolitschka. \u201cHigh-resolution paleomagnetic records from Laguna Potrok
\nAike (Patagonia, Argentina) for the last 16,000 years\u201d. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst., 13,
\nQ12Z37, doi:10.1029\/2011GC003900. 2012.<\/p>\n
22. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Ohlendorf, C., Kastner, S., Zolitschka, B. \u201cPaleosecular
\nvariation and paleointensity records for the last millennium from southern South America (Laguna
\nPotrok Aike, Santa Cruz, Argentina)\u201d. Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Elsevier.
\nhttp:\/\/dx.doi.org\/10.1016\/j.pepi.2010.10.011. V184, 41\u201350. 2011.
\n21. Chaparro, M.A.E., Mari\u00e9, D. C., Gogorza, C.S.G., Navas, A.M., Sinito, A.M. "Magnetic studies
\nand SEM-EDS analyses of road sediments, soils, and vehicle emissions: diesel\/gas soot and
\nwear particles from brake materials". Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. V54, 633-650. 2010.
\n20. Mari\u00e9, D. C., Chaparro, M.A.E., Gogorza, C.S.G., Navas, A., Sinito, A.M. \u201cVehicle-derived
\nemissions and pollution on the road Autovia 2 investigated by rock-magnetic parameters: a case
\nstudy from Argentina\u201d. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. V54(1),135-152. ISSN: 0039-3169.
\nSpringer. 2009.
\n19. Irurzun, M.A., Gogorza, C.S.G., Torcida, S., Lirio, J.M., N\u00fa\u00f1ez, H. Bercoff, P., Chaparro, M.,
\nSinito, A.M. \u201cRock Magnetic Properties and Relative Paleointensity Stack between 13 to 24 kyr.
\nBP calibrated ages from Sediment Cores, Lake Moreno (Patagonia, Argentina)\u201d. Physics of the
\nEarth and Planetary Interiors. Elsevier, doi:10.1016\/j.pepi.2008.08.018. ISSN 0031-9201. V172,
\n157-168. 2009.
\n18. Gogorza, C.S.G., Torcida, S., Irurzun, A., Chaparro, M.A.E., Sinito, A.M. \u201cApplication of the
\npseudo-Thellier technique to a paleomagnetic record of 18 000 years from lake El Trebol,
\nPatagonia, Argentina\u201d. Geof\u00edsica Internacional. ISSN 0016-7169. V47(4), 319-327. 2008.
\n17. Irurzun, M.A., Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Chaparro, M.A.E., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Lirio, J.M.
\n\u201cPaleosecular variations 12-20 kyr. as recorded by sediments from Lake Moreno (southern
\nArgentina)\u201d. Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica. V52, 157\u2013172. ISSN 0039-3169 (Print) 1573-1626
\n(Online). 2008.
\n16. Chaparro, M.A.E., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Lirio, J.M., Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M. \u201cMagnetic screening
\nand heavy metal pollution studies in soils of Marambio Station (Antarctica)\u201d. Antarctic Science.
\nISSN 0954-1020. V19(03), 379-393. 2007.
\n15. Chaparro, M.A.E., Gogorza, C.S.G., Chaparro, M.A.E., Irurzun, M.A., Sinito, A.M. \u201cReview of
\nmagnetism and pollution studies of various environments in Argentina\u201d. Earth, Planets and
\nSpace. V58(10), 1411-1422. 2006.
\n14. Gogorza, C.S.G., Irurzun, M.A.E., Chaparro, M., Lirio, J.M., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Bercoff, P.G., Sinito,
\nA.M. "Relative Paleointensity of the geomagnetic field over the last 21,000 years bp from
\nsediment cores, Lake El Tr\u00e9bol, (Patagonia, Argentina)". Earth, Planets and Space. V58(10),
\n1323-1332. 2006.
\n13. Irurzun, M.A., Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Lirio, J.M., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Chaparro, M.A.E.
\n"Paleosecular Variations Recorded by Holocene-Pleistocene Sediments from Lake El Tr\u00e9bol
\n(Patagonia, Argentina)". Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors. Elsevier, ISSN 0031-9201.
\nV154, 1-17. 2006.
\n12. Chaparro,M.A., Lirio, J.M., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M. \u201cPreliminary Magnetic
\nStudies of Lagoon and Stream Sediments from Chascom\u00fas Area (Argentina)-Magnetic
\nParameters as Pollution Indicators and Some Results of Using an Experimental Methods to
\nSeparate Magnetic Phases\u201d. Environmental Geology, Springer, V49(1), 30-43. DOI:
\n10.1007\/s00254-005-0049-4. ISSN: 1432-0495 (Online), 0943-0105 (Paper). V49(1), 30-43.
11. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Lirio, J.M., Nu\u00f1ez, .., Chaparro, M., Bertorello, H. R.
\n"Paleointensity Studies on Holocene-Pleistocene Sediments from Lake Escondido, Argentina".
\nPhysics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, ISSN 0031-9201. V145, 219-238. 2004.
\n10. Chaparro, M.A.E., Bidegain, J.C., Sinito, A.M., Jurado, S., Gogorza, C.S.G. \u201cRelevant
\nMagnetic Parameters and Heavy Metals from Relatively Polluted Stream-sediments \u2013 Spatial
\nDistribution along a Cross-city Stream in Buenos Aires Province, Argentina\u201d. Studia Geophysica
\net Geodaetica, Kluwer, ISSN 0039-3169. V48(3), 615-636. 2004.
\n9. Chaparro, M.A.E., Bidegain, J.C., Sinito, A.M., Jurado, S.S., Gogorza, C.S.G. "Magnetic
\nStudies applied to different environments (solid and stream sediments) from a relatively polluted
\narea in Bs. As. Province, Argentina". Environmental Geology, SPRINGER, ISSN 0943-0105.
\nV45(5), 654-664. 2003.
\n8. Chaparro, M.A.E., Bidegain, J.C.; Sinito, A.M., Gogorza, C.S.G., Jurado, S. "Preliminary
\nresults of magnetic measurements on stream-sediments from Buenos Aires Province, Argentina".
\nStudia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Kluwer, ISSN:0039-3169. V47, 121-145. 2003.
\n7. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Lirio, J.M., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Chaparro, M.A.E., Vilas, J.F.
\n"Paleosecular Variations 0- 19,000 Years Recorded by Sediments from Escondido Lake
\n(Argentina)". Physical of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Elsevier, ISSN 0031-9201. V133, 1-4,
\n35-55. 2002.
\n6. Chaparro, M.A.E.; Gogorza, C.S.G.; Sinito, A.M.; Lavat, A. " Preliminary Results of Magnetic
\nCharacterisation of Different Soils in the Tandil Region (Argentina) Affected by the Pollution of
\nMetallurgical Factory". European Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (EEGS),
\nGeophysical Press, ISSN 1359-8155. V7, 35-58. 2002.
\n5. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A.M., Di Tommaso, I., Vilas, J.F., Creer, K.M., Nu\u00f1ez, H.
\n\u201cGeomagnetic Secular Variations 0-12000 yr. As Recorded By Sediments from Moreno Lake
\n(South Argentina)\u201d. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Elsevier, ISSN 0895-9811.
\nV13(7), 627-645. 2000.
\n4. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A. M., Vilas, J. F., Creer, K. M., Nu\u00f1ez, H. \u201cGeomagnetic Secular
\nVariations 0-6500 Yr. As Recorded by Sediments from Lakes of South Argentina\u201d. Geophysical
\nJournal International, Blackwell Synergy, ISSN 0956-540X. V143(3), 787-798. 2000.
\n3. Gogorza, C.S.G., Sinito, A. M., Di Tommaso, I., Vilas, J. F., Creer, K., Nu\u00f1ez, H. \u201cHolocene
\nGeomagnetic Secular Variations Recorded by Sediments from Escondido Lake (South
\nArgentina)\u201d. Earth, Planets and Space, Terrapub, ISSN 1343-8832. V51(2), 93-106. 1999.
\n2. Gogorza, C.S.G., Di Tommaso, I., Sinito, A.M., Jackson, B., Nu\u00f1ez, H., Creer, K., Vilas, J.F.
\n\u201cPreliminary Results from Palaeomagnetic Records on Lake Sediments from South America\u201d.
\nStudia Geophysica et Geodaetica, Kluwer, ISSN:0039-3169. V42(1), 12-29. 1998.
\n1. Garc\u00eda Segundo, C., Villagr\u00e1n Mu\u00f1iz, M., Ranea Sandoval, H. F., Gogorza, C.S.G., Bilmes, G.
\nM. \u201cPhotoacoustic Analysis of Stimulated Emission in Pulsed Dye Lasers\u201d. Applied Physics B,
\nISSN 0946-2171. V61, 361-366. 1995.<\/p>\n
.[\/vc_column_text][\/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-wrench” add_icon=”true” title=”Facilidades \/ Equipamiento” tab_id=”1551203297351-119885a7-3edb”][vc_column_text]<\/p>\n
\n- 1 MAGNET\u00d3METRO MINISPIN, Molspin Ltd, origen Inglaterra.<\/li>\n
- 1 SUSCEPTIBIL\u00cdMETRO BARTINGTON MS2 (Temperatura ambiente) con sus sensores de medici\u00f3n, MS2B Dual frequency Sensor, MS2E, MS2G, MS2W, MS2D y MS2F, para muestras de laboratorio y mediciones en el campo , origen Inglaterra<\/li>\n
- 1 DESMAGNETIZADOR T\u00c9RMICO ASC, origen EE. UU.<\/li>\n
- 1 DESMAGNETIZADOR AF MOLSPIN, origen Inglaterra<\/li>\n
- Con un dispositivo para la adquisici\u00f3n de la MRA,<\/li>\n
- 1 MAGNET\u00d3METRO DE PULSO ASC; Bobina 1: 69.8mT; Bobina 2: 1.277T; Bobina 3: 2.74T; Bobina 4: 5.05T, origen EE. UU..<\/li>\n
- 1 TAMIZ DE LABORATORIO, MARCA TYLER (USA) DE DIAMETRO 200mm CON CUERPO DE BRONCE, MALLA DE ACERO INOXIDABLE ( 2 mm, 250 micrones, 125 micrones, 63 micrones), origen EEUU..<\/li>\n
- 1 MUELLE FLOTANTE MARCA READY DOCK, origen Chile.<\/li>\n
- 1 MAGNET\u00d3METRO MARCA AGICO, modelo Dual Speed Spinner JR-6A, origen Rep\u00fablica Checa. .<\/li>\n
- 1 BRUJULA BRUNTON<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n<\/div>\n
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